Grubhub CEO Matt Maloney is dumb, dumb and dumber. After the election he sent a condescending, baseless, whacko email that gives the impression to his employees that if you voted for Trump or believe in Trump's campaign message that you should send in your resignation. He even says that if Trumped worked there, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination.
Would Maloney also want anyone who agrees with Trump to immediately stop buying their service?
On November 8, Grubhub was trading at $37.83 and now it's at $35.25. That is nearly a 7% drop while the rest of the market hit historic highs. His dumb political statements have so far cost Grubhub shareholders $200 million. What an idiot. The Grubhub board should hold an emergency session and fire him in order to reassure their shareholders that their company is in good hands and to send a message to customers that political intolerance is unacceptable.
Maloney has since produced a press release saying he is misunderstood. Baloney. He meant every word of what he said because he bought in like a child the nonsense narrative that Trump is a racist, homophobe, intolerant Nazi like figure.
Meanwhile, Trump supporters on Twitter are appropriately bashing Maloney relentlessly, but in a much smarter way than Maloney slammed them:
You should choose to be either Social Justice Warrior or CEO. Dumb idea to be both, @M3aloney because #BoycottGrubHub is a top trend now.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) November 11, 2016
When major Corporations threaten & punish employees for the way they voted in an election, you're entering Fascism, period
— Righteous Rage (@MurraySentMe) November 11, 2016
"Trump is an intolerant bigot," they said as they fired employees for voting Trump. #boycottgrubhub
— Pardes Seleh (@PardesSeleh) November 11, 2016
Company used @Grubhub for clients ($6-9k monthly) boss just told us to never use it again because they "hate free speech" #boycottgrubhub
— Basket of Victories (@almostjingo) November 11, 2016
This is why @Grubhub's general counsel is probably freaking out right now.
If you are victimized in CA, call a CA lawyer. #BoycottGrubhub— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) November 11, 2016
Dear liberals,
We now have a GOP President, Senate, House, SCOTUS, & 35 GOP governors
America rejected your BS Marxism#boycottgrubhub
— Jared Wyand
(@JaredWyand) November 11, 2016
Congrats, GrubHub. You just alienated all of these people! #BoycottGrubhub
— Becky
(@MissPatriarch) November 11, 2016
Had family over this evening & had food delivered. Would have normally used @GrubHub. Felt GREAT 2 choose alternative. #MAGA #BoycottGrubHub
— Tracy (@LilSoCalGal) November 12, 2016
@M3aloney How's your day going? Heard from your board of directors or investors yet?#boycottGrubHub #SilentDeplorables
— hypervista (@hypervista) November 11, 2016
If Board of Directors do not take action and fire @Grubhub CEO by end of today we all need to #boycottgrubhub Respectable companies do this.
— Carolina4America (@cnelson450) November 11, 2016
Mahoney leaves a bad taste. Grubhub CEO bullies conservative employees. Canceling my account. Despicable. @Grubhub #boycottgrubhub
— E. Tage Larsen (@etagelarsen) November 11, 2016
Grubhub CEO is about to learn about actions & equal and opposite reactions. At a minimum, 60 million people need to #BoycottGrubHub
— Daran Waters (@DaranWaters) November 11, 2016
My source at a company with 1000+ employees tells me the company will no longer use @Grubhub for food delivery.#BoycottGrubhub
— Raven (@KazeSkyz) November 11, 2016
Dear @Grubhub: Leftists protest by blocking roads & burning flags. The deplorables have jobs. We protest with our money. #boycottgrubhub
— Just Some Goat (@Lookinabout) November 11, 2016
So GrubHub CEO is talking about how hateful and intolerant someone is, by being hateful and intolerant of different views?🤔#boycottgrubhub
— Leah the Boss (@LeahRBoss) November 11, 2016
.@grubhub is about to learn the hard way: @realDonaldTrump voters are the ones with $ and jobs. #BoycottGrubHub
— Based SciFi (@tcmccarthy_) November 11, 2016
@M3aloney @FoxNews Maloney and Grubhub need to be investigated by @EEOC_OFO for creating a hostile work environment. #boycottGrubhub #zealot
— Lewis Hardway (@HardwayWVU) November 10, 2016
Here is his original email:
SUBJECT: So... that happened... what's next?
I'm still trying to reconcile my own worldview with the overwhelming message that was delivered last night. Clearly there are a lot of people angry and scared as the antithesis of every modern presidential candidate won and will be our next president.
While demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that this behavior - and these views, have no place at Grubhub. Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination.
We have worked for years cultivating a culture of support and inclusiveness. I firmly believe that we must bring together different perspectives to continue innovating - including all genders, races, ethnicities and sexual, cultural or ideological preferences. We are better, faster and stronger together.
Further I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can. As we all try to understand what this vote means to us, I want to affirm to anyone on our team that is scared or feels personally exposed, that I and everyone else here at Grubhub will fight for your dignity and your right to make a better life for yourself and your family here in the United States.
If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here. We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team.I want to repeat what Hillary said this morning, that the new administration deserves our open minds and a chance to lead, but never stop believing that the fight for what's right is worth it.
Stay strong,
The post Grubhub CEO Matt Maloney is an Idiot--Potentially Costing Company Millions--Trump Supporters Outraged appeared first on WebProNews.
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