Friday, August 31, 2018

How Mattel Optimizes Marketing on

Mattel is one of the largest distributors and brands sold on Meredith Wollman manages the customer experience and all of the digital marketing for Mattel products that are sold through the channel. Wollman was interviewed at the eTail Conference by Tammy Everts, Senior Director of Research at SOASTA, now part of Akamai.

How do you deliver the high conversion rates that Walmart and Mattel expect?

If you don't have the fundamentals down no campaign is going to be successful. Before we consider an ad campaign we go back to the cradle and look at setting up the items. We make sure that each item has the correct title, correct brand attribution, the right content in terms of A+ asset, beautiful imagery,  lifestyle imagery, package, out of package, the right videos, whether we have short TV commercials, and any user-generated content.

Whatever the case may be, making sure that those items are set up and that they are optimized properly is very important to do before we even look at a campaign. No campaign will be successful if the item isn't set up properly and they aren't engaging for the consumers and there aren't reviews already on the product.

How do you plan a campaign for Mattel on

We are looking at what are our big bets? Where do we have the biggest investment in terms of the products that we want to put in front of the consumer? Every campaign looks at our on-hand inventory and where we are hoping on having the consumer lean in big. What we do is set up the campaign around that. We determine that if we can only have 5 or 6 hero images, what are those going to be? What are the products that we are going to use as the enticement for the consumer to come in and look at more?

Then, which brands are we going to focus on? We also look at all of the analytics in terms of geo-targeting. In this particular zip code, are consumers leaning in towards our latin Barbie? Are they leaning in towards our African American Barbie? We want to really personalize what shows up on the screen for the consumers so they are seeing what they want to see and what they didn't even know that they wanted to see.

It's Definitely a Data-Driven Process...

I think the days of gut testing everything have gone the way of the Dodo Bird. Everything has to be data-driven now. That doesn't mean that you can't test something new, we do that all of the time. We really look at the data first to determine which products, where, who, when and how. All of those key factors are looked at when determining what we are going to put forward. It has to be data-driven.

Most Mattel Shoppers Start on Mobile in the Store

About 75 percent of our consumers start their journey on mobile. They are either in the store looking at a product and then they go on their phone and look for reviews or they are in the store and looking at products to see how quickly it could be shipped. A lot of people start their journey online which is why it's so important to be mobile optimized.

They don't all necessarily buy online but that's where they start their journey. Some will buy online but then go pick up in the store, which is actually considered a store purchase.

How are conversions for Mattel on

They are slightly higher than the norm of 4-6 percent. If you are hitting the consumer when they want to see the product and with the product, they want to see you will, of course, have a greater conversion rate. It comes down to being scientific and artful at the same time about not necessarily telling the consumer what we want them to know, but giving the consumer the information that they want.

Those two don't always mesh as easily as we'd like because we have things we want to share at certain times, but that's not always what works best for the consumer. The better we understand the consumer and what they want and when they want it the more successful the campaign. It's always the case when we are communicating something that we want them to know in the time frame that we want them to know that it's not nearly as successful.

Akamai Study Shows Load Time Impacts Revenue Significantly

A study by Akamai shows that every 1 second of load time improvement on equaled a 2% conversion rate increase.

Also, for every 100ms of improvement, incremental revenue grew by 1%. All ecommerce sites can benefit from increasing both the speed and efficiency of the consumer experience.

The post How Mattel Optimizes Marketing on appeared first on WebProNews.


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